Tuesday 3 December 2013

Setup rules for ignoring files and directories

7.1. Creating a .gitignore file for your repository

Git can be configured to ignore certain files and directories. This is configured in a .gitignore file. This file can be in any directory and can contain patterns for files.
You can use certain wildcards in this file. * matches several characters. The ? parameter matches one character. More patterns are possible and described under the following URL: gitignore manpage
For example, the following .gitignore file tells Git to ignore the bin and target directories and all files ending with a ~.

# ignore all bin directories
# matches "bin" in any subfolder

# ignore all target directories

# ignore all files ending with ~

You can create the .gitignore file in the root directory of the working tree to make it specific for the Git repository.


Files that are committed to the Git repository are not automatically removed if you add them to a .gitignore file. You can use the git rm -r --cached [filename] command to remove existing files from a Git repository.


The .gitignore file tells Git to ignore the specified files in Git commands. You can still add ignored files to the staging area of the Git repository by using the --force parameter, i.e. with the git add --force [filename] command.
This is useful if you want to add, for example, auto-generated binaries, but you need to have a fine control about the version which is added and want to exclude them from the normal workflow.

7.2. Global (cross-repository) .gitignore settings

You can also setup a global .gitignore file valid for all Git repositories via the core.excludesfile setting. The setup of this setting is demonstrated in the following code snippet.

# Create a ~/.gitignore in your user directory
cd ~/
touch .gitignore

# Exclude bin and .metadata directories
echo "bin" >> .gitignore
echo ".metadata" >> .gitignore
echo "*~" >> .gitignore
echo "target/" >> .gitignore

# Configure Git to use this file
# as global .gitignore

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore 

The local .gitignore file can be committed into the Git repository and therefore is visible to everyone who clones the repository. The global .gitignore file is only locally visible.

7.3. Local per-repository ignore rules

You can also create local per-repository rules by editing the .git/info/exclude file in your repository. These rules are not committed with the repository so they are not shared with others.
This allows you to exclude, for example, locally generated files.

Git Terminology

This is the common terminologies used in git :-

Term Definition
Branches A branch is a named pointer to a commit. Selecting a branch in Git terminology is called to checkout a branch. If you are working in a certain branch, the creation of a new commit advances this pointer to the newly created commit.
Each commit knows their parents (predecessors). Successors are retrieved by traversing the commit graph starting from branches or other refs, symbolic reference (e.g. HEAD) or explicit commit objects. This way a branch defines its own line of descendants in the overall version graph formed by all commits in the repository.
You can create a new branch from an existing one and change the code independently from other branches. One of the branches is the default (typically named master). The default branch is the one for which a local branch is automatically created when cloning the repository.
Commit When you commit your changes into a repository this creates a new commit object in the Git repository. This commit object uniquely identifies a new revision of the content of the repository.
This revision can be retrieved later, for example, if you want to see the source code of an older version. Each commit object contains the author and the committer, thus making it possible to identify who did the change. The author and committer might be different people. The author did the change and the committer applied the change to the Git repository.
HEAD HEAD is a symbolic reference most often pointing to the currently checked out branch.
Sometimes the HEAD points directly to a commit object, this is called detached HEAD mode. In that state creation of a commit will not move any branch.
The first predecessor of HEAD can be addressed via HEAD~1, HEAD~2 and so on. If you switch branches, the HEAD pointer moves to the last commit in the branch. If you checkout a specific commit, the HEAD points to this commit.
Index Index is an alternative term for the staging area.
Repository A repository contains the history, the different versions over time and all different branches and tags. In Git each copy of the repository is a complete repository. If the repository is not a bare repository, it allows you to checkout revisions into your working tree and to capture changes by creating new commits. Bare repositories are only changed by transporting changes from other repositories.
This tutorial uses the term repository to talk about a non bare repository. If it talks about a bare repository, this is explicitly mentioned.
Revision Represents a version of the source code. Git implements revisions as commit objects (or short commits). These are identified by an SHA-1 secure hash. SHA-1 ids are 160 bits long and are represented in hexadecimal notation.
Staging area The staging area is the place to store changes in the working tree before the commit. The staging area contains the set of the snapshots of changes in the working tree (change or new files) relevant to create the next commit and stores their mode (file type, executable bit).
Tags A tag points to a commit which uniquely identifies a version of the Git repository. With a tag, you can have a named point to which you can always revert to. You can revert to any point in a Git repository, but tags make it easier. The benefit of tags is to mark the repository for a specific reason e.g. with a release.
Branches and tags are named pointers, the difference is that branches move when a new commit is created while tags always point to the same commit.
Technically, a tag reference can also point to an annotated tag object.
URL A URL in Git determines the location of the repository. Git distinguishes between fetchurl for getting new data from other repositories and pushurl for pushing data to another repository.
Working tree The working tree contains the set of working files for the repository. You can modify the content and commit the changes as new commits to the repository.

Git: Undo git reset

#You have done wrong head reset ,don't worry. you we'll get the write code by using steps carefully :-

If you did something like
git reset HEAD~1
sometime you want to undo this. There is no need to cry, Git keeps a log of all ref updates.
To see them:
git reflog
The output may something like that
39ab761 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD~1
b55c098 HEAD@{1}: Change skirt length ...
git reset HEAD@{1}
we undo our mistake and we are back at the commit before reseting.
Also possible:
git reset b55c098
note : do it very carefully